My 50 All-Time Favorite Albums

We all have our favorites, and these are mine.

One introductory note on this post is that there is an album that is not listed in this post, but it’s title is so cool (at least, for me it is) that it absolutely warrants a mention, and that is the album entitled, “The Smoker You Drink, The Player You Get”, by Joe Walsh. In addition to containing the iconic tune, “Rocky Mountain Way”, there is some truth to the album’s title : The smoker you drink, the player you DO get!”










I. The List is Not “All-Encompassing”

The list is by no means complete, but I had to stop somewhere, otherwise I could have went on for probably another 25 to 30 albums.

As soon as I typed in Number 50, I realized there were at least two more albums I wanted to add, but I didn’t want to re-title the post with an unorthodox number with something like “My 52 All-Time Favorite Albums”, and then 53, 54, 57, 65, and so forth, as I endlessly kept thinking of more albums to add. 

So, there are more albums I could’ve added, but I had to establish an arbitrary  figure to finalize the list, and stick with it; and 50 was that magic number.

II. No Special Sequence

Moreover, the albums are not listed in any particular order, since, when I started this list, I just looked through my album collection at random and just made a mental note to mention them if the album qualified for the list, and they got typed into the post pretty much in the same order that they were initially collected randomly.

Additionally, even if I attempted to create a “special” sequence, it wouldn’t be valid for very long, since my tastes or preferences might change (however minutely) every single day : Today’s Number 24, might be Number 19 tomorrow; or, tomorrow’s Number 15, might be Number 21 the day after.

It’s all based on my mood at the time I’m asked to prioritize the list.

III. The Main Criterion—Four, Or More, Instruments

Also, worthy of mention is one of the most important elements in the criteria used in qualifying an album for this list is that ( not counting the vocalist ), the band can NOT be a “three-piece group with only guitar, bass and drums” (e.g., garage bands, punk bands, many will use the term “classic rock” bands) —unless the compositions are noticeably exceptional, in some way; and there are, I think, two albums on this list that qualify under that exception.

                                 Guitar-Only Bands

The only two albums that fit that description but still made the “First 50” list are Nazareth’s Expect No Mercy (#33) and Robin Trower’sBridge of Sighs“( #35).

Otherwise, you’re not going to find any albums by Tom Petty; Georgia Satellites; metal bands such as Van Halen, Metallica, or Iron Maiden;, Stevie  Ray Vaughn; DEFINITELY zero punk, and any bands that garage bands love to focus on.

Unfortunately, the exact opposite sentiment emanates from the instrumentally-limited viewpoints of, at least, two mindsets.


First was the punk genre, as a whole. Specifically, I forget which band it was, but the entire group had deliberately donned T-shirts that had printed on them, the words, “Fuck Pink Floyd!”

It might’ve been the Sex Pistols, or The Clash, but either way, even if I never saw that photograph, I would have INSTANTLY disliked their music because :

[1] the singing was nauseating ( it sounded far more UN-educated than “angry”, but when you combine them both, you can smell the sewage leak from miles away). The sewage vapors steaming up from the vocal tracks made my eyes water;

[2] the chord structures were deliberately limited to essentially a “three-chord” limit; and not only was virtuosity not required, it was, by design, opposed; and

[3] the lyrics, like the singing, sounded like they came from an un-educated teenage mind, which is fine if they’re singing about things like teenage crushes on girls, or their favorite cars they want to buy and drive, or being angry about having a curfew, or things along those lines that are typically teen-oriented. But politics (which much of punk music sang about)? No thanks. If teens were smart, societies would grant them the right to vote, but they don’t. So, I’m not interested in listening to the lyrical rants of an angry 12-year-old who’s well-intended discontent is obviously missing some key facts that would change his opinion if he knew those details. In this case, ignorance is NOT “bliss”, and hearing somebody literally scream that ignorance with horrible vocals and mundanely-simplistic chord structures blared at maximum volume, is like being in the sonic equivalent of Edgar Alan Poe’s “The Pit And The Pendulum” as every nauseating note brings the razor-sharp edge of the blade closer to our torsos.


Although I admit I did hear some keyboards (albeit not exactly of virtuoso caliber ) in their later albums, my initial impression (from what the radio stations played) was that they were “anti”-keyboard, or, at least, anti-creative is some way.

Specifically, for example, back in 1978, when Dire Straits released “The Sultans of Swing“, there’s a lyric in the middle of the song that states :

They don’t give a damn about any trumpet playin’ band.
It ain’t what they call Rock and Roll

Well if that’s the case, that’s a shame, because my philosophy is exactly the opposite of theirs.

First of all, I suspect that such thinking (that any group that is NOT limited to just three instruments —bass, drums and guitar—“isn’t” Rock And Roll) is really a manifestation of a “sour grapes” mindset :  an insecurity-based inferiority complex masquerading as contempt for those who are either better-trained in music theory and/or technique , or, simply just “naturals” at music.

Many great songwriters are self-taught and playing proficiently and writing great compositions is simply a natural by-product of their innate talents, versus many wannabee musicians who actually take official lessons (perhaps years of them) and still find themselves nowhere near as talented as the naturals are.

It’s sort of like a 5′ 2″  kid with short legs working hard at sprinting every single day in preparation for a marathon race, only to watch a crowd of 6′-tall runners who run only three times a week, and with very little effort, pass him up as though he was “standing still”.

If we wanted, he could continue to waste his time, and still keep running every day, but he’ll never catch up with the much-taller naturals—so he’ll show contempt for “them”, when it’s really contempt for his own inadequacies, which he can’t bear to reveal to anyone, lest that results in unbearable embarrassment.

Putting a spot light on the fact that a musician knows “only three chords or just two drum beats” is such an unpleasant thought to him (much like a corrupt politician who fears his or her corruption being brought to light for public viewing) , that he’ll try to vilify those who know a LOT more— like a flunking punk who bullies straight-A nerds because he’s jealous of the fact that they’re much smarter than he is, by claiming how “stupid it is to be smart “.

Personally, as far as “average versus above-average” bands are concerned, I’d put 1970’s Steely Dan or early jam-band era Chicago (e.g., “I’m a Man”, “25 or 6 to 4” ) ANY DAY plus twice on Sundays against Dire Straits version of “rock and roll”.

As far as I’m concerned, Dire Straits would NEVER win that contest against pre-1980’s Steely Dan or Chicago.

Yes, I’ve heard more than one person praise Mark Knopfler as a pioneer of guitar work, and they might be correct, but I’d have to hear the songs they claim warrant that assessment, since the radio industry refuses to play those particular songs (that showcase those alleged talents) on the public airwaves—i.e., I don’t consider “Walk of Life” or “I Want My MTV” to be among the greatest compositions of any time, much less, of “all” time; and if the “Sultans of Swing” (which, admittedly, did have an interesting lead guitar track ) is their “best” on their debut album, then I’d consider them a one-hit wonder band , and that one “hit” just does not move me enough to justify including them among the greatest in my book.

The point is : the mentality that any group that is NOT limited to “just bass, drums and guitar”, is somehow “not” Rock And Roll, has me shaking my head as I see such a limiting philosophy as a VERY MYOPIC one, for which I have NO RESPECT! NONE!

Thus, for the most part, pretty much every band in this list (not counting the lead vocalist) is a minimum of a four-piece band : drums, bass, guitar, and keyboards and, in some cases, there’s even a horn section, like Steely Dan, or a flute like Jethro Tull, or a violin, like Kansas or Jean-Luc Ponty.

                                                                               The Ideal Band

I have always been bored to tears by guitar-only bands, because if you’ve heard the first album, there’s a good chance all the subsequent albums are going to sound the same.

Some might call that a “signature sound” and actually require it from their favorite bands for them to continue following them; and if that band deviates from that expected “norm”, their fans might frown on that unexpected change in direction. 

In contrast, is what I call the “signature style” of perpetual change, where varying (from mild to drastic) changes are not only expected, but, in fact,  welcomed.

Case in point :

Led Zeppelin’s drastic change :

FROM : Led Zeppelin II, mostly electric guitar-based compositions, with one or two acoustic-based tunes;

TO : Led Zeppelin III, where there were far more acoustic guitar tunes—there were still at least two electric tunes that come to mind : “Immigrant Song” and the bluesy “Since I’ve Been Loving You“, but I think the acoustic tunes outnumbered the electric ones on Zeppelin III..

Many of Zeppelin’s fans and rock music critics pretty much “frowned” on that very change. If I remember correctly, there was no shortage of executives at Atlantic Records, that weren’t fond of Led Zeppelin III, either—because of those very changes. They wanted “continuity”, whereas Zeppelin wanted variety.

Fortunately, Peter Grant, Zeppelin’s band manager, arranged for Zeppelin to have complete creative control over their compositions—as opposed to having the record company dictate what songs the band would include on their albums.

Again, “Zeppelin IV” was different from III…another change!

IV had two songs that were 100 percent acoustic guitar and vocals (and mandolin—on “Battle Of Evermore”), but no bass or drums on those two songs. A very unorthodox path to follow.

For me, THAT CONSTANT CHANGE was what I LOVED about their catalog—and not hated, like some people did. 

Another band that changed drastically was Steely Dan : “Can’t Buy A Thrill” is miles away from “Aja” in terms of the overall sound of the two albums. Couldn’t be more different.

BOTH albums are great, though, but noticeably different—definitely NOT a continuation of the previous albums.

Thus, for the most part, a band MUST ( at the very minimum ) :

[a] have keyboards (in addition to the guitar) , and sax is also a major plus, to make this list; and

[b] change their formula each album, so that the new album does NOT sound like a robotic repeat of the previous album—if there’s THAT many songs that sound the same, try to produce a DOUBLE album (e.g., Zeppelin’s “Physical Graffitti”—which sounds NOTHING LIKE neither the previous studio album “Houses of the Holy”, nor like their subsequent studio album “Presence”. ALL THREE sound completely different from each other).


IV. The “Missing” Songs On Each  Album

I think there are only two or three albums on this list where every song on that album is listed with a link. 

Otherwise, 98 percent of them list anywhere from “most” of the songs to as few as just “two” of the tracks.

The missing tracks are not listed simply because those songs just didn’t move me enough to be listed in the group.

For example, on one of my top-tier albums, Zeppelin IV, “Black Dog” is not listed, because it just never did anything for me. If, while listening to the album, I am given the opportunity to skip over it, I will do exactly that.

So, if the song wasn’t a favorite of mine, it won’t be listed.


V. The List

[1] Steely Dan, “Aja

Steely Dan, “Aja”

[1] Black Cow  [2] Aja  [3] Deacon Blues   [4] Peg  [5] Home At Last [6] I Got The News [7] Josie

The Making of Aja

[2] Steely Dan, “Greatest Hits

Steely Dan, “Greatest Hits”

[1] Do It Again [2] Reeling In The Years [3] My Old School [4] Bodhisattva [5] East St. louis Toodle-oo [5] Rikki don’t Lose That Number [6] Pretzel Logic [7] Any Major Dude [8] Here At The Western World [9] Black Friday [10] Bad Sneakers [11] Doctor Wu [12] Haitian Divorce [13] Kid Charlamagne [14] The Fez

[3] Led Zeppelin, “IV

Led Zeppelin, “IV”

[1] Rock and Roll [2] Battle of Evermore [3] Going To California [4] Stairway To Heaven [5] When The Levee Breaks [6] Four Sticks


[4] Led Zeppelin, “II

Led Zeppelin, “II”

[1] Ramble On [2] What Is And What Should Never Be [3] Thank You [4] Moby Dick


[5] Led Zeppelin, “III

Led Zeppelin, “III”

[1] Friends [2] Since I’ve Been Loving You [3] Gallows Pole [4] Tangerine [5] That’s The Way


[6] Led Zeppelin, “Physical Graffiti

led Zeppelin, “Physical Graffiti”

[1] Down By The Seaside [2] The Rover [3] Trampled Under Foot [4] Kashmir [5] In The Light [6] Bron-Yr-Aur [7] Ten Years Gone


[7] Pink Floyd, “Dark Side Of The Moon

Pink Floyd, “Dark Side Of The Moon”

[1] Speak to Me/Breathe [2] On the Run [3] Time [4] The Great Gig In The Sky
[5] Us And Them [6] Any Colour You Like [7] Brain Damage / Eclipse

[8] Pink Floyd, “Wish You Were Here

Pink Floyd, “Wish You Were Here”

[1] Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Parts I-V)  [2] Welcome To The Machine [3] Have A Cigar [4] Wish You Were Here [5] Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Parts VI-IX)  

[9] Pink Floyd, “Meddle

Pink Floyd, “Meddle”

[1] One of These Days [2] A Pillow of Winds [3] San Tropez [4] Echoes

[10] King Crimson, “Discipline

King Crimson, “Discipline”

[1] Elephant Talk [2] Frame By Frame [3] Matte Kudasai [4] Indiscipline [5] Thela Hun Gingeet [6] The Sheltering Sky [7] Discipline


[11] Bruford, “One Of A Kind

Bruford, “One Of A Kind”

[1] Five G  [2] The Abingdon Chasp  [3] The Sahara of Snow, Part 1 [4] The Sahara of Snow, Part 2 [5] Hell’s Bells


[12] Dixie Dregs, “Dregs Of The Earth

Dixie Dregs, “Dregs Of The Earth”

[1] I’m Freaking Out [2] Twiggs Approved [3] Pride O’ The Farm


[13] Black Sabbath, “Sabotage

Black Sabbath, “Sabotage”

[1] The Writ  [2] Am I Going Insane  [3] Supertzar  [4] Megalomania  [5] Don’t Start (Too Late) / Symptom Of The Universe


[14] Black Sabbath, “Paranoid

Black Sabbath, “Paranoid”

[1] Fairies Wears Boots  [2] Planet Caravan  [3] Electric Funeral  [4] Paranoid  [5] War Pigs  [6] Rat Salad


[15] Black Sabbath, “Technical Ecstasy

Black Sabbath, “Technical Ecstasy”

[1] Back Street Kids  [2] You Won’t Change Me  [3] It’s Alright  [4] All Moving Parts (Stand Still)  [5] She’s Gone  [6] Dirty Women


[16] Deep Purple, “Machine Head

Deep Purple, “Machine Head”

[1] Highway Star  [2] Lazy  [3] Pictures of Home


[17] Deep Purple, “Made in Japan

Deep Purple, “Made In Japan”

[1] Strange Kind Of Woman  [2] Highway Star


[18] Deep Purple, “Burn

Deep Purple, “Burn”

[1] Burn  [2] Sail Away  [3] You Fool No One  [4] A200  [5] Coronarias Redig*

  • Not in Original recording; Released in Re-Mix

[19] Kansas, “Leftoverture

Kansas, “Leftoverture”

[1] Questions of My Childhood  [2] Miracles Out of Nowhere  [3] Magnum Opus

Magnum Opus—LIVE (Two For The Show)


[20] The Beatles, “Rubber Soul

The Beatles, “Rubber Soul”

[1] In My Life  [2] I’m Looking Through You  [3] Girl  [4] Michelle  [5] Run For Your Life  [6] Norwegian Wood


[21] The Beatles, “Abbey Road

The Beatles, “Abbey Road”

[1] Come Together  [2] Maxwell Silver Hammer  [3] Something  [4] Here Comes The Sun  [5] Octopus’s Garden  [6] I Want You  [7] Oh, Darling  [8] Golden Slumbers  [9] Sun King  [10] You Never Give Me Your Money  [11] I Want You  [12] The End


[22] The Beatles, “The White Album

The Beatles, “The White Album”

[1] Revolution 1  [2] Honey Pie  [3] Piggies  [4] Blackbird  [5] Martha My Dear  [6] Ob-La-Di-Ob-La-Da  [7] Dear Prudence  [8] Back In The USSR


[23] REO Speedwagon, “You Get What You Play For

[1] Golden Country  [2] 157 Riverside Avenue  [3] Wild Turkey Trot  [4] Gary’s Guitar Solo  [5] Keep Pushin’  [6] Ridin’ The Storm Out  [7] Son of A Poor Man  [8] I Believe Our Time is Gonna Come (Studio Version)


[24] Montrose, “Montrose

Montrose, “Montrose”

[1] Bad Motor Scooter  [2] Space Station #5  [3] Good Rockin’ Tonight  [4] I Don’t Want It

[25] Rainbow, “Rising


Rainbow, “Rising”

[1] Tarot Woman  [2] Run With The Wolf  [3] A Light In the Black  [4] Stargazer  [5] Starstruck


[26] Rainbow, “Long Live Rock And Roll

Rainbow, “Long Live Rock And Roll”

[1] Long Live Rock And Roll  [2] Gates of Babylon  [3] Rainbow Eyes


[27] Peter Frampton, “Frampton Comes Alive

Peter Frampton, “Frampton Comes Alive”

[1] Do You Feel Like We Do?  [2] Lines On My Face  [3] Show Me The Way  [4] Baby, I Love Your Way


[28] Frank Zappa, “Apostrophe

Frank Zappa, “Apostrophe”

[1] Cosmik Debris  [2] Stink Foot  [3] Excentrifugal Forz

[29] Jeff Beck, “Wired

Jeff Beck, “Wired”

[1] Blue Wind  [2] Come Dancin’  [3] Play with Me


[30] Jeff Beck, “Blow By Blow

Jeff Beck, “Blow By Blow”

[1] Frreeway Jam  [2] Air Blower/Scatterbrain  [3] Thelonius  [4] Constipated Duck  [5] You Know What I Mean

[32] Fleetwood Mac, “Fleetwood Mac

Fleetwood Mac, “Fleetwood Mac”

[1] Monday Morning  [2] Warm Ways  [3] Blue Letter  [4] Rhiannon  [5] Over My Head  [6] Crystal  [7] Say You Love Me  [8] Landslide  [9] World Turning


[32] Fleetwood Mac, “Rumors

Fleetwood Mac, “Rumors”

[1] Second Hand News  [2] Dreams  [3] Never Going Back Again  [4] Don’t Stop  [5] Go Your Own way  [6] Songbird  [7] You Make Loving Fun  [8] I Don’t Want To Know  [9] Oh, Daddy  [10] Gold Dust Woman


[33] Nazareth, “Expect No Mercy

Nazareth, “Expect No Mercy”

[1] Expect No Mercy  [2] Gone Dead Train  [3] Shot Me Down  [4] Revenge is Sweet  [5] Gimme What’s Mine  [6] Kentucky Fried Blues  [7] Buste  [8] Place In Your Heart  [9] All The King’s Horses


[34] The Who, “Who’s Next

The Who, “Who’s Next”

[1] Baba O’Riley  [2] Bargain  [3] Song is Over  [4] Getting In Tune  [5] Going Mobile  [6] Behind Blue Eyes  [7] Won’t Get Fooled Again


[35] Robin Trower, “Bridge Of Sighs

Robin Trower, “Bridge of Sighs”

[1] Day of the Eagle  [2] Bridge of Sighs  [3] In this Place  [4] The Fool And Me  [5] Too Rolling Stoned  [6] Lady Love  [7] Little Bit of Sympathy

[36] Rush, “2112

Rush, “2112”

[1] 2112  [2] Passage to Bangkok  [3] The Twilight Zone  [4] Tears  [5] Something For Nothing


[37] The Alan Parsons Project, “I Robot

The Alan Parsons Project, “I Robot”

[1] I Robot  [2] I Wouldn’t want To Be Like You  [3] Some Other Time  [4] Breakdown  [5] Day After Day


[38] Supertramp, “Crime Of The Century

Supertramp, “Crime Of The Century”

[1] School  [2] Bloody Well Right  [3] Crime of The Century


[39] Yes, “Tormato

Yes, “Tormato”

[1] Future Times/Rejoice  [2] Don’t Kill The Whale  [3] Onward


[40] Yes, “The Yes Album

Yes, “The Yes Album”

[1] Yours Is No Disgrace  [2] Clap  [3] Starship Trooper  [4] I’ve Seen All Good People  [5] Perpetual Change


[41] Styx, “Equinox

Styx, “Equinox”

[1] Born For Adventure  [2] Prelude 12 / Suite Madam Blue


[42] Styx, “The Grand Illusion

Styx, “The Grand Illusion”

[1] The Grand Illusion  [2] Fooling Yourself  [3] Come Sail Away  [4] Castle Walls


[43] Styx, “Pieces of Eight

Styx, “Pieces of Eight”

[1] Sing For the Day  [2] Blue Collar Man  [3] Queen of Spades  [4] Renegade  [5] Pieces of Eight  [6] Aku-Aku


[44] Jethro Tull, “Heavy Horses

Jethro Tull, “Heavy Horses”

[1] …And the Mouse Police Never Sleeps  [2] Acres Wild  [3] Moths  [4] One Brow Mouse


[45] Jethro Tull, “Warchild

Jethro Tull, “War Child”

[1] The Third Hoorah  [2] Skating Away


[46] Wings, “Band On The Run

Wings, “Band On The Run”

[1] Band On The Run  [2] Jet  [3] Bluebird  [4] Helen Wheels  [5] Nineteen Hundred And Eighty Five


[47] Wings, “Greatest Hits

Wings, “Greatest Hits”

[1] Silly Love Songs  [2] Live And Let Die  [3] Juniors Farm  [4] Uncle Albert / Admiral Halsey  [5] Let ‘Em In  [6] My Love  [7] Mull of Kintyre


[48] Simon And Garfunkel, “Greatest Hits

Simon and Garfunkel, “Greatest Hits”

[1] Mrs. Robinson  [2] The Boxer  [3] The 59th Street Bridge Song ( Feelin’ Groovy)  [4] The Sound of Silence  [5] Scarborough Fair  [6] Homeward Bound   [7] Bridge Over Troubled wate  [8] America  [9] Cecilia


[49] The Grateful Dead, “Terrapin Station

The Grateful Dead, “Terrapin Station”

[1] Terrapin Station  [2] Estimated Prophet


[50] Jean-Luc Ponty, “Cosmic Messenger

Jean-Luc Ponty, “Cosmic Messenger”

[1] Egocentric Molecules  [2] Cosmic Messenger  [3] Puppet’s Dance  [4] The Art of Happiness  [5] I Only feel Good With You  [6] Ethereal Mood


Index of Articles


7 thoughts on “My 50 All-Time Favorite Albums”

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