The Job : Would YOU Take It?



They Don’t Lie!

Well, yes, they can—and are—used all the time to trick people into believing all kinds of things that aren’t really true, in the nasty game of politics.

But they can also be used to entertain.

For example…

Imagine, you saw a job ad that clearly stipulated, with bullet points, the term of the contract and the pay structure as follows:

[1] “TEMPORARY 31-Day Job. On Day 32, you will no longer have a job.

[2] No Days off—you work every day. Some days might be longer than others; longer than a standard eight-hour day.

[3] Your pay is structured as follows : You are NOT paid by the hour, but by the day.

—[a] Day ONE = $0.01. That’s it! One frickin’ penny;

( As the supervisor or foreman says, “See ya’ tommorrow morning.” fully expecting you to show up for Day TWO );

—[b] Day TWO = $0.02. That’s a 100 percent raise! You just doubled your pay for the day;

—[c]  Day THREE = $0.04. another doubling of the pay for the day;

—[d] Day FOUR = $0.08. …ditto, another doubling;

—[E] Day FIVE = $0.16…and another;

…and every day afterward the pay doubles for all 31 days.

Do you take that job?

Or. do you say, “Get lost, Mutha F—R!”

Five, four, three, two, one…

Times up!

You either dodged a bullet or lost the chance of a lifetime.

What do you think just happened?

If you turned the job down, then you lost out hugely!

Don’t believe me?

Look at the chart below.

The 31-Day Job

You don’t really make any money until the 16th Day when you’ve earned more than $300 for the day; and then it just balloons from there!

By Day 23, you’ve made more than 41,000 for just that day alone—more than most individuals salaries in the working class sector.

By Day 28, you’re taking in more than a million bucks!

For one day’s work!

By the 31st? A Ten million dollar day!

Now that’s “swimmin’ pools and movie stars” ( for those with a familiarity with 1960’s sitcoms ).

How many of you said no?


Thanks for reading.

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