Holy Cat!

Joke of the Day ( 2024-05-17 ) :

Poor Fluffy
Image generated by A.I. @ https://boredhumans.com/text-to-image.php

Saturday morning : no school for the kids; no work for mom or dad.

Mother wakes up and goes downstairs into the kitchen to get the morning coffee brewing.

En route to the kitchen, she passes by the living room and sees her son, Billy, at one end of the couch reading the Bible to Fluffy, their cat.

Billy Reading The Bible To The Cat.
Image generated by A.I. @ https://boredhumans.com/text-to-image.php

“…and so sayeth the Lord.” Billy said dramatically, as the cat meowed.

“Oh, how sweet.” the mother thought to herself about the interaction between Billy and Fluffy, as she continued on toward the kitchen.

About five minutes later, she suddenly heard a whole lot of noise going on in the living room — things crashing to the ground as the cat screeched.

“What the…?” she wondered as she ran from the kitchen to the living room to see what the ruckus was all about.

As she entered the living room, there was Billy trying to dunk Fluffy in a bucket of water.

“Billy! What are you doing?!” she screamed.

“I’m baptizing Fluffy, Mom!” he said wrestling with the cat as it’s scratching and clawing and hissing in resistance to being “intentionally” drowned.

“Cats don’t like being dunked in water, Billy!” she retorted.

“Well, then, he shouldn’t have joined my church.” he replied, continuing on in the wrestling match.

Based on a joke in Reader’s Digest, September, 2022 : p. 50.

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