Stories Behind The Songs



City Lights (30-04)

Day One (30-01)

Don’t You Know (30-05)

Night Life (30-02)

Rural Roads (30-03)



Always On the Run (02-06)

In The Dark of Night (02-02)

Jimmy Boy (02-05)

Lonely Eyes ( 02-07 )

Nothins’ Ever Easy ( 02-04 )

Reunion ( 02-01 )

Tell Me Some Lies ( 02-08 )

You Made My Day ( 02-03 )



Since these melodies are not mine to begin with, I had to pretend these are “John’s” or “Paul’s” songs.

That is, I had to make up names for these “other writers” to personify and put a face on them.

So, I’ll attach the most recognizable faces of the rock and roll world (at least, the World I grew up in)  : John Lennon and Paul McCartney.

In this relationship, they’re the writers, and I’m their “George Harrison”, and my job is to be their lead guitarist, and provide lead guitar solos (and “sitar”, or, in my case, guitar synth) to their “Strawberry Fields / Norwegian Wood” and “Get Back” compositions.).

I’ve never met these very capable song writers before, but by imagining that I’m looking at their faces, my ability to feel like I know them, allows me to feel a tad more inspired than if I’ve imagined their faces to look like what one might imagine they’d look like in some distorted-reality Picasso painting.

Moreover, you know I’m going to consider the drummer “Ringo”, the keyboardist “Billy Preston”, and our recording studio producer, George Martin”, and any other extra musicians as provided by EMI.

In any case, they’ve invited me into “Abbey Road Studios USA” in Lansing, Illinois to record some of their tunes.

Billy, Ringo, and I are already in the room, with our instruments and tuned up, and waiting for John and Paul who are still in the control room talking to George Martin about which song we were going to start with.

“Hello, my fellow musicians!” John says as he’s the first to exit the control room and enters into main recording room, and heads straight to his area, and picks up his Rickenbacker and straps it on.

Finally, a moment later, Paul comes into the room laughing about something Martin said in the control room.

“Billy, my friend! Glad you could make it!” Paul said to Mister Preston, who was tapping away at some really high notes on his piano as Paul walked into the room, and strapped on his iconic bass, who then looked at me and said, “How ’bout you, George? Ready to make it a go?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be, Paul.” I replied, with my hand on an F chord. .

“Well, alrighty then.” John said looking at George Martin through the glass of the control room and nodding to go ahead and roll the tape.

“Song 1.” Ringo adds in, just before Martin presses the record button.

Day One

This is definitely a Paul song.

It even feels “emotionally” similar to the McCartney song “Come And Get It”, which the Beatles never recorded, and instead, McCartney bestowed it on Badfinger who got a hit out of it, that helped establish Badfinger as a hitmaking band.

Source :  

YouTube Account : ErtoSound

Video Title : Cool Country Song Guitar Backing Track Jam In F Major.rtf

Source of Song Title :  “Day One

URL : https : // www. youtube. com/watch?v=cM1DqA8C3E0



Night Life

Guitar  Solo-1@ 0:14

Guitar  Solo-2 @ 1:11

——— Source : ———-


YouTube Account : Pierpaolo Buzzi

Video Title : Tom Quayle Style Backing Track In A Dorian 75 Bpm.rtf

Source of Song Title :  “Night Life

URL : https : // www. youtube. com/watch?v=UDba6jD6Vxc



Rural Roads

This melodic pick sounds like something John could have written during the Rubber Soul album, as in “Norwegian Wood”-ish as far as the song’s relaxed-sound is concerned.

Plus, if I would have played, at least, a portion of my solo an octave, or two, lower (being that all the notes that I played were in the higher registers above the 12th fret) I think it possibly might’ve sounded a tad more interesting.

Why did I stay above the 12th fret?

I’m not really sure.

There wasn’t any kind of pre-recording intent to do it that way. I think, it just probably just felt right at the moment I was laying down the track.

But then again, this post is entitled the “Evolving Audition” which means I can update it at any time down the road.

So, I might just do that — time permitting, of course.


YouTube Account : Elevated Jam Tracks

Video Title : Tender Mellow Groove Guitar Backing Track Jam in A.rtf

Source of Song Title :  “Rural Roads

URL : https : // www. youtube. com/watch?v=WC8IjJqE56g






Always On The Run


“Always On The Run”: Vocals

“Always On The Run” is about a bank robber I once knew.

He actually robbed two banks about 20 years apart, in addition to a face-to-face armed robbery attempt on some woman he saw on the street somewhere, according to one police report I saw.

But that guy, ever since he was a teenager, was literally, “Always On The Run“.






Lonely Eyes”


“Lonely Eyes”: Vocals

Sax Solo @ 3:03

S Solo @ 3:26

This is kind of an interesting story.

This tune was inspired by two models : one, I temporarily knew, and the other I never knew, but wondered if their two lives had the same result.

——— a-The One I Temporarily Knew

Specifically, the one I knew actually posed for Playboy ( she was not the centerfiold, but she still made the cut to get the nod from Hugh Hefner’s Playboy — the GQ of the porn industry ) and she ended up losing her job and her marriage ( but she’s the one that walked out on her husband — out of guilt of having “done it” with more than one person from Playboy during her stay at various locations for various sceneries for various photo shoots. Each stop turned into another adultress encounter.).

She got the ultimately erroneous impression that if she sucked the right men off, her career would skyrocket into fame of Hollywood proportions.

But, she was wrong.

Morally and Occupationally.

Morally, because she lost her marriage; and occupationally, because she lost her job.

But, she did receive her Judas-like “handful of gold coins” for her services rendered, and she got her “15 minutes of “…..well, we’ll call it “fame”  for now ( i.e., being seen naked and drooled over by however many — or few — men who actually saw that edition of the magazine ), and not only lost everything ( i.e., her job and husband ) domestically, but occupationally, as well, in that she was quickly forgotten about by the very industry that seduced her into throwing her life away for a few bucks, so only a small number of men can view her pictures and likely masturbate over them, then throw the soiled pictures in the garbage can, where they belong.

All the men that literally had sexual intercourse with her, had nothing to do with her after her adultery-soaked “photo shoots”.

Not a one! They wouldn’t even take her calls.

“Who? Oh, you must have the wrong number. Sorry. Bye-Bye!” is all she ever heard.

It was all a “Wham-bam-thank-you-mam” from start to finish; they got what they wanted and/or needed; and she received what she was contractually promised.

Yet, what profit was there in losing it all, in exchange for her ruinous multi-locational adultery-fest?

Her life had to start all over again, with nothing to start from.

Whatever they paid her couldn’t have lasted very long…. or been “worth it”.

The daily regrets this woman must have.

——— b-The One I Didn’t Know

And the one I never knew?

She was just a face in a local Kohl’s ad, posing in women’s bikinis for  some sale.

I wondered, “This woman has a beautiful face, and a nice body, and there are only two types of men in real life, who are going to notice that:

[a] those with good intent in that they want to treat the beautiful woman like a queen, love her and raise a family with her (and those men are few are far between which makes them more valuable than gold coins!) ; and

[b] those with no honorable intent, in that they just want to get laid, and move on to the next woman. They have no intention of being there in the morning when the woman wakes up (this would be the vast majority of men —- who might otherwise be the correct men for different women, but, who for this particular woman, is not well-suited to be her mate any more than a fidelity-worshipping conservative Republican should marry an open marriage-advocate like Jada Smith or an activist Democrat porn star).

Surely, at some point in her career, she’s going to get tired of weekly department store ads, and might want to take her career to “the next level”.

In her attempt to rub shoulders with the right people to advance her career in the right direction, will she, too, get invited to do a ,…ahem, “photo shoot”?

And likely for a magazine of far less “respect” than Playboy—  e.g., some really raunchy pictures .

There has to be very few things more humiliating than having someone show you pictures of your girlfriend or wife doing a threesome in a third-rate skin magazine.

“Uh, Bill….Is this your…wife….Laura,” your co-worker asks while pointing to a magazine of big glossy photos, “with some cop’s dick in her mouth while she tries to suck her way out of a speeding ticket?”

“But I made $2,000 for the shoot, Sweetie.” she says hoping the money somehow mitigates the broken heart behind the infidelity.

What are the odds she’s going to make the right choice and be happy all her life?

Or, what are the odds she’ll make the wrong choices, and wind up with “Lonely Eyes“?






Tell Me Some Lies

“Tell Me Some Lies”: Vocals



[a] A keyboard synth solo @ 1:36;

[b] a guitar / scat solo @ 2:46; and

[c] a regular guitar solo @ 3:58.

Lyrically, it means nothing. The words were fabricated to create the illusion of a song.

The real purpose of the composition was to experiment with the keyboard solo, and the George Benson-like (but darker and rockified) Scat guitar solo.

The truth is, though, as fabricated as the lyrics are, the story is very real in that there is absolutely no shortage of people are who are more than willing to “Tell Me Some Lies“.

You Made My Day


“You Made My Day” is an instrumental that’s based on a much older tune I wrote called “Never Before” ( which had lyrics ), which has a mid-section that was a bit too similar to another song In the Originals set, so I deleted that mid-section, and altered the tempo , and omitted the lyrics, and I found it to be a good tune for me to listen to in the early morning, when I’m getting ready for work, or going on a short road trip

It has somewhat of a “rising sun” kind of feeling to it, and that “makes my day”.

Hence, the title “You Made My Day



Night Life

This one goes to John, since its mood is similar to “Come Together” — it’s much darker.

Like all these YouTube-sourced songs, I didn’t do any working out of any specific guitar solos. I just played the source video as a practice run only once, not to work out notes, but rather to find patches on my guitar FX pedal that would best give me the sounds that I’m looking for.

I usually just randomly fly through a range of about 10 to 20 patches, and listen to them, and decide which ones make the song song kick ass, and which ones make it sound weak and lifeless.

I found a range to work with and picked a few patches to try out on my recording.

When the song got to what essentially is the second verse, I tapped one of the foot switches and changed my patch to one called “Green Stew”, if I remember correctly, and I absolutely loved how aggressive it sounded.

In real life, that probably would have been a bit too intense for John’s liking.

“Wow! You made your guitar sound bloody mean on that one, George!” I can just hear John saying, while I wonder if he meant that as a compliment, or not.

But, even if John didn’t mean it as a compliment, I liked it, and as long as the Lennon-McCartney-Martin trio didn’t axe it from the masters, it’s a keeper, as far as I’m concerned.

Source :  

YouTube Account : Pierpaolo Buzzi

Video Title : Tom Quayle Style Backing Track In A Dorian 75 Bpm.rtf

Source of Song Title :  “Night Life

URL : https : // www. youtube. com/watch?v=UDba6jD6Vxc

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